You can tell that this family likes to have fun together. And, last week I had a good time capturing their smiles and connections. I especially enjoy the emotion of pride and love that radiates from Dad's eyes when he is with two his two daughters. Since the cherry blossoms are here for only a few short weeks I had to take advantage of their beauty. The trees provide us with gorgeous & cheerful signs of spring.
This shoot featured little Ellery, Jason & Leilana's darling daughter. She is sweet and pretty with gorgeous blue eyes. Pair those with Momma's green eyes and you've got some great pictures! I also love how Leilana's nose scrunches up whenever she really smiles or laughs. Jason, you're a lucky man surrounded by great girls. Happy birthday, Leilana!
Happy engagement to Kelly and Jason! This engagement has been a long time coming and the wedding will be a great celebration. Enjoy a few images from our photo shoot on Bainbridge Island, Washington.
Erin is my sweet, sweet cousin. At Christmastime I was able to take a few photographs of her six months along. In this image you can get a sense of the tender, friendly spirit that encompasses Erin. No one could know at that time that little Logan would come early - when Erin was 34 weeks and Logan a mere 3 pounds 3 ounces. Thankfully, Logan is now out of the NICU, has gone home and weighs in at a hefty 4 lbs.
Welcome little Logan! And, congratulations to first-time parents, Erin and Mike.
I guess this was the weekend for head shots. This day I was able to photograph the beautiful, intelligent, and talented Jessie Nino. She truly is lovely inside and out. The last shot is for her future job - when she decides to moonlight as a yoga instructor. Jessie, I hope these shots work well for your work needs. All of those other engineers will be wowed by your eyes and smile.
If you need a realtor, I hope you will consider using Lisa Feldbau with John L. Scott as your agent. Lisa is professional, intelligent, friendly, hard-working and dependable. Here are some head shots, taken today.
Lisa, I wish you the very best in your new career. I know you will soar.
With the craziness of fall and winter photo shoots, I have neglected the editing or posting of any personal shots. Here are some moments captured one November afternoon with my little ones.
I wanted to post a couple of more images from Lucy's birth. (See previous post for more).
Lucy's very first breath. These two images touch me deeply as they encompass the amazing, miracle of life. Dr. Kristen, Doctor's Clinic, Silverdale/Harrison Hospital, was Sarah's terrific OBGYN.
Another miracle happened today. If you've ever questioned the existence of God, just be present at the birth of a baby and you'll never wonder again. No words describe the beauty and miracle of new life. Divine.
Lucy Kathryn LaMar was born today at 10:39AM. She weighed 7lbs. 9 oz and was 20.3 inches. Truly adorable with a little resemblance to her big sister, Francesca. She came into this world pretty quietly, taking it all in fairly peacefully. We pray she'll keep that up for her tired parents over the next few nights/weeks. Scott and Sarah, thank you for blessing me by allowing me to be with you for your daughters' births. Love you all.